starting the day

i saw him today… ganteng banget hari ini… dengan kemeja biru muda, dasi dan celana biru tua, i wonder if those clothes he wore are choosen by his wife or by his mistress… and why still i keep my feeling for him?

i knew he called her today… i heard they're talking over the phone when we're on the elevator…
i shouldn't have listened, but i just couldn't help it…
his voice is addiction to me… just like his figure, his face, his eyes to my eyes…

i saw her today, so gorgeus with that pink dress… she looks so cute in that blooming dress… kaya' anak kecil sebenernya, apalagi pipinya juga merona pink gitu… sepertinya sih bukan make up, atau entahlah… bikin aku gemas pengen membelai pipi itu…

andai dia kenal aku…

aku tau, kalau matanya sebentar2 melirik laki2 itu… laki2 yang berbicara mesra di telpon, entah dengan siapa… mungkin dengan istrinya…
kenapa dia harus melihat laki2 itu dengan mata kagum? padahal laki2 bahkan tidak menjawab salam selamat paginya…

dia merajuk hari ini… aku tau aku janji akan mampir semalam, tapi kerjaan gak ada habisnya, pulang jam sepuluh malam juga gak nolong sama sekali…
dan kenapa anak yang satu itu terlihat menggemaskan sekali hari ini…
matanya berbinar2… sepertinya hari ini lebih menyenangkan untuk dia dibanding untuk orang2 lain…

"why don't you call me last night? did you forget your promise to come to my place after you work?"
"i know that you're busy, but you can't just forgeting your promise like that… and this is not the first time…"
"i'm feeling that you've changed since she came to this office…"

"come on baby, you know there's nobody else but you…"
"you know i've been so busy, with this tight schedule of merger the two offices, there are so many things to do…"
"i'll make up to you… tonight, i promise you… this time i'll keep it"
"we'll go after hours, wait for me around six at our usual place…"
"come on darling…"

kenapa dia sama sekali tidak peduli… ini kan tempat umum, pe-de banget yaa… anak buahnya gak akan ngelaporin pembicaraan mereka ke istrinya… pasti itu bukan istrinya kan?

itu bukan istrinya kan?
damned! he's a married man… why i keep my feeling for him…

oh my God, kenapa kamu jadi kelihatan sedih?
he's not a good man… stop look at him like that…

finally, 18th floor…

"honey, i'm on my floor, call you later, alright? see you soon, love you too"

see you around, angel face...

on 10/26/2012


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