the long weekend ;-)

From: Andy Wiraatmadja [mailto:]
Sent: October 25, 2012 7:15
To: Felicia Chandra [mailto:]
Subject: long wiken ;-)

dear licia,

how are you doing there? missing me too much already? how is your job? busy as hell as usual? how is the merger stuff?

well… just like my last job in Jakarta, in Singapore… i don't find any different… i guess, i should questioning my decision already… :D

but it's really cool here, with everything…
you should visit me soon…
how about the next long weekend on november, you could ask for a day leave… if you arrange your ticket now, it wouldn't be too pricy…

okay, baby?
looking forward to have your reply any time soon..
beside… i want you to meet someone.. someone special…

long kisses,

ps. no matter how you beg for it, i won't tell you over the mail or phone… :d

From: Felicia Chandra [mailto:]
Sent: October 25, 2012 10:30
To: Andy Wiraatmadja [mailto:]
RE: RE: long wiken ;-)

dear andy,

i won't ask you anything now… :d
i even have the tickets already - return…
pick me up okay, don't make me going on MRT by my self with my huge luggage!
and i don't bring you anything either - a pay back for such a secret keeper!

it's 12.15 pm Singapore time at terminal 3 - be there! and don't be late!

huge hugs,

ps. i guess, there's a ticking sound in my head, it will explode any moment... you must save me!

From: Andy Wiraatmadja [mailto:]
Sent: October 28, 2012 2:45
To: Felicia Chandra [mailto:]
RE: long wiken ;-)

wow! you must be really relly stressed out!

don't worry… i'll cheer you up…
we'll bike around the city…
there's a new bike rental here…
you'll forget everything, once you're here!

and you won't regret, because… i need you to know him… :)

kiss kiss,

From: Felicia Chandra [mailto:]
Sent: October 28, 2012 4:45
To: Andy Wiraatmadja [mailto:]
RE: RE: long wiken ;-)

i know that!

kisses & hugs

on 10/28/2012


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